
FrontierSI Collateral Design

For the past 18 months I have been working with FrontierSI (formerly CRC for Spatial Information) on a large range of signage, stationery and marketing projects. FrontierSI are a not-for-profit company delivering major benefits to governments, industry and the community using their deep expertise in spatial mapping, infrastructures, positioning, geodesy, analytics and standards. Following the … Continue reading FrontierSI Collateral Design

Ambulance Victoria GoodSAM Campaign Launch

Ambulance Victoria launched their lifesaving app, GoodSAM, today which connects people in cardiac arrest with first aid qualified responders to provide critical help while emergency services are on the way. Little Green Apple partnered with Ambulance Victoria to create the marketing and advertising collateral for the GoodSAM campaign in a boldly branded style. The GoodSAM … Continue reading Ambulance Victoria GoodSAM Campaign Launch

Kenworth Safety Campaign

Last week Kenworth launched their latest safety campaign which Little Green Apple designed the concept and creative for. The aim of the campaign was to drive home (excuse the pun!) the key benefits of driver safety in a bold, personable nature that would connect with their audience. What better way to illustrate the importance of … Continue reading Kenworth Safety Campaign